Let's Talk Oils

Welcome to the world of oils! Are you feeling overhwelmed yet? That's ok!! I was too when I first started. I have always been interested in living a more natural life, and I had heard oils were great for so many things, but I had no idea where to start. I poured myself into google, looking for answers, only to be met with so many websites and forums with so much contradictory information. It was confusing to say the least!!

A dear friend of mine, who just happened to be the woman who cared for my son while I worked. called me one day. She said the boys in her daycare were stuffy, my son being one of teh worst, and she wondered if she could put some oils on him. "Don't worry" she'd say to me "It's all natural and won't harm him. I think this will help open him up." At this point I was neither skeptic or believer, I just said "Mindy, I trust you with my child, therefore, I trust you with my life. Go for it!" 

What she used was amazing, but it took me a while to take that step into becoming a wellness advocate. Mindy knew though. She knew this was my jam. She knew I needed a little nurturing, and you know what.....when I get started, I went all in with a great starter kit!! 

To say I was hooked was an understatement. I could help but share my love of oils. I started telling anyone who would listen about how much doTERRA had changed my life! I saw friends using oils that they purchased at supermarkets, and I would cringe. Here's the thing....oils are not regulated by any governing body stating what companies can or cannont add to their oils. Many oils are rare, and it may take a lot of a particualr plant to recieve enough oil to produce. This means that many companies are adding syntetics and other additives to their oils and selling them as pure.

Think of it this way, you can go to go to McDonald's for a burger or you can go to Red Robin. One is vastly different from the other when it comes to preperation and freshness. It's the same with oils. 

  • doTERRA tests each batch 7 different ways
  • Harvesting practices are strict and controlled 
  • They source their oils from around the world in in their environment where each plant grows the best, and they only harvest when the timing is perfect.
  • They are a step above organic and maintain an internal standard of Certified Pure Theraputic Grade (CPTG), with no filers, artifical ingredients, chemical substitutes, or contaminants 
The word doTERRA means "gift from the earth" and that is exactly what these oils are! These plants are growing beautifully in their natural habitat and they are given to us from mother earth as a means to heal our own selves. I started small when using these oils, and with each passing day, I became more and more intrigued by them and the company. I would find myself wondering "Is there an oil for that" and every single time, there was! In many cases, there were multiple oils for that! 

My story began with an oil blend called Breathe. My son experiences awful seasonl discomfort, but unfortunatley for him, it seems that every season brings something that causes his discomfort. I had a very hard time getting him used to the other things he was using as part of his daily routine. Then my friend told me to try breathe. She had some on hand and put it on him. Within seconds he said "I can smell that with my eyes!" That may not seem huge to those who can breathe easily through the seasons, but for a little boy who suffered from seasonal discomfort his entire short lived life, this was huge! Smelling it with his eyes meant that he was opening up enough for the oils to clear him out. 

Another product I fell head over heals for is the Life Long Vitality pack (aka LLV). This isn't your typical vitamin and supplment pack. I quickly realized the difference about 2 weeks into using them. This is doTERRA's #1 selling product, and for good reason! I had taken a multivitamin before, but I never stuck with it becuase I wasn't feeling any different. I got sick of the smell and the yellow pee! Let's be real....you know you were thinking of it. Anyway, this came in my starter kit, so I figured why not give it a try. It changed my life! I was sleeping better, my mood was lifted, I had more energy, my insides felt lighter. I noticed that small discomforts I had felt were going away. 

My fiance started asking about doTERRA and this was the first thing I told him to take! He has a condition that has casued all of his hair to fall out. This condition may or may not be life long. For some, the hair does grow back. He was open to trying the LLV, and so I made sure he was taking them! He is new to LLV and I am excited to see how this will help him. I know for me, I will NEVER be without them again!

Here is a quick breakdown for you:

Other amazing supplements in my daily routine are:
Terrazyme (digestive enzymes)
Mito2Max (energy & stamina...hey college kids, parents, grandparents, or ANYONE who is breathing!!)
DDR Prime (keeps your cells happy)
Deep Blue Complex (as needed for occasional achy muscles & discomfort)
Watch this video for a more in depth looking at these life changing supplements! 
dōTERRA is a science and education focused company that takes great care in educating it's users and wellness advocates. With each day, I learn more and more. The more I learn, the more I want to share with others. I started to reaize the impact of these oils and how they were helping the people around me. Seeing someone light up when I asked them how they enjoyed their oils drives me to share even more! 
I also learned that dōTERRA has a heart for people. And especially a heart for those producing their oils. They are committed to sourcing these oils sustainably and paying fairly for the harvest.

Click the video below to hear the story of how we produce our wintergreen oil and to learn about the Healing Hands Foundation. It is awe inspiring and brings me to tears every time! I know in my heart that I am with a company that loves people and our planent, and I am thrilled to be a part of it! 
I am in love with this company and the life I have been able to live becuase of it. I have to spread this love everywhere I go! I am part of an amazing Tribe and I am currently creating my own Tribe! It's thrilling seeing my Tribe grow, and I would love for you to join me! 
That leaves you wondering where to start? Well, I am here to help with that! leave a comment and I will be more than happy to reach out to you and explain how you can become a part of this amazing company! 


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