Anyhow, I dove in to Insanity Max30, then 2 months later Rich and I ran the Disneylanf Half Marathon to complete our Coast to Coast Challenge. It seems like immediately after that, Etsy and vendor shows were in full swing for the Holidays. Fastforward to the new year, and orders for mermaid tail blankets were EXPLODING!! I loved them, but the stress at my day job had me feeling far less than motivated. I decided to join doTERRA as a wellness advocate, and suddenly I am working 3 jobs!
I was able to take a leap of faith and leave my day job, and it was as I shopped for wedding dresses that I realized what the past 10 months of stress, lack of sleep, sloppy diet, and lack of exercise motivation had done to me. It just so happened that Melanie decided to start the Insanity Max30 program this past Monday, and it was just what I needed to start taking steps in the right direction, but I still needed some motivation! This is where my oils came into play!
Next, I decided to spruce up my water with some Lemon oil. DoTERRA's lemons are sourced in Sicily and is distilled by cold pressing the peel. Lemon oil is cleasning, purifying, and uplifting. Lemon oil will help give you a nice energy boost, while helping to combat exhaustion during and after your workout. Lemon is also a mood enhancer that will help you feel good about your workout even if it wasn't your personal best. Simply add 2-3 drops to a glass or stainless steel bottle and drink as you normally would during your work out. *Make sure you avoid using plastic when using oils.Essential oils will eventually break down plastic*
Finally, one of my all time favorites, Deep Blue Rub. I'm pretty sure I have a love affair with this lotion! It contains, Wintergreen, Blue Tansy, German Chamomile, Helichrysum, Osmanthus, Eucalyptus, Menthol, and Capsicum. Take a moment and imagine all of the muscle rubs you have used in the past. Now imagine them being a million times better! This all natural mixture will have you feeling tingly and relaxed after a hard workout, and it will help your muscles feel good too. Personally, I like to put it on after a hot shower. That's when the pores are open, and the rub gets in real good. Others may not like the intesnity of Deep Blue on open pores, so wait until you have cooled down to put this on. The more you rub it into your skin, the warmer the sensation will be. Unlike other muscle rubs, you have a bit of control on how hot/cool you can handle.
doTERRA has made it easy to get some incredible oils and supplements through their Athlete's Kit. There are far more oils and prodcuts within this kit that I haven't mentioned, but if you are serious about wanting to get on track, this kit makes it easy to do so! If you have any questions about oils and how they can help you in your workout, let me know! I'm always happy to help.
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